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How will I receive the music?

All of our products are digital. After purchase, you will be directed to a screen with a download link. (From Paypal, click ‘Return to Merchant’) Right-click this link (Control + Click on Mac) to immediately download your new music to your computer. You’ll also receive an email with the same link to download. Please check your spam folder. The link is active for five clicks. You must download music from our website to a computer before you transfer to a device such as iPhone, iPad or Android.

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What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept PayPal and all major credit cards via Stripe. At checkout, the PayPal option is automatically selected. To pay via credit card, select “Secure Checkout via Stripe” and enter your credit card information on our secure site.

What are the categories of Source Vibrations music?

Our Brainwave Entrainment Sessions are embedded with binaural beat technology. These sessions can be used for state training and may assist meditators of all levels. Headphones are required to experience the effects of binaural beats. See below to learn more.

Our Sound Healing Music is great for healing, relaxation or casual listening. Inspired by the wisdom traditions and the patterns of nature, our sound healing music is designed to provide a nourishing backdrop to accompany your self healing practices. 

Our Guided Sessions are meditation and transpersonal hypnotherapy sessions recorded over some of our select brainwave entrainment tracks. The brainwave programs are designed to help you enter theta states of consciousness where our minds are most receptive to suggestion and deep change more easily occurs.

What are the music composition techniques used in your products? 

Visit our Glyph Key Page.

What is Brainwave Entrainment?

Research in the field of brainwave entrainment has revealed the remarkable potential for acoustic stimulus to bring about significant improvements to the overall functioning of the brain.

In 1839, Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered binaural beats and published his findings in the scientific journal Repertorium der Physik. The subject remained little more than a scientific curiosity until 1973, when Dr. Gerald Oster published the article “Auditory Beats in the Brain” in Scientific American, reinvigorating interest in the potentials of binaural beat frequencies for research in neurophysiology. During this time, Robert Monroe of the Monroe Research Institute began conducting experiments using an EEG machine to monitor subjects brainwave patterns. From thousands of the experiments he concluded that he could “entrain” subjects brainwave patterns using binaural beats. In addition, he noticed that he was able to get a response in not only the areas responsible for hearing but throughout the entire brain. He observed a resonance throughout the entire brain in response to his acoustic stimulus. Monroe noticed that binaural beats where able to bring about a resonance in the brain where frequency, amplitude, and phase become synchronous across both hemispheres of the brain, a condition later referred to as hemisphere synchronization.

In subsequent research, hemispheric synchronization and overall brain coherence has been shown to be associated with more integrative thinking and behavior, enhanced creativity, learning ability, emotional balance, moral reasoning, self-confidence and a sense of well-being. Put simply, scientists learned that the brain’s peak performance largely depends on its coherent functioning, and auditory stimulus is profoundly effective in bringing about this physiological condition.

Higher coherent brain functioning has also been shown to accompany a regular meditation practice. Often times, however, people struggle to begin a practice or to make progress in meditation. And with so many types of meditation out there, it can be a challenge to know where to start. Entrainment programs can be very useful supplemental tools to help beginning practitioners overcome the initial challenges of meditation and decrease the amount of time it takes to make progress.

For many of the researchers in this field, this phenomenon is wildly exciting. The potential applications and benefits of these tools are broad sweeping. With brainwave entrainment, we now have a non-invasive method for addressing the functioning of the brain without the use of pharmaceuticals. We can also easily experience deep meditative states without the need for following a specific spiritual tradition. With entrainment programs, we can get immediate results in terms of generating particular brain states. More significantly though, over time exposure to these types of programs offer cumulative benefits, helping us to function at our very best, while consistently raising the bar of what our best can actually be.

What is Brainwave Entrainment? 

Brainwave entrainment is a natural phenomenon of the brain. It is referred to as the frequency following response (FFR) because the dominant brainwave frequencies falls into step with an external stimulus. Given a period of time, the brains electrical activity will begin to align with the acoustic stimulus firing in unison with it. As the frequencies of the external stimulus are decelerated or accelerated, the brainwave frequencies will follow. The brain falls into unison with acoustic stimulus as a kind of vibrational rapport in the sense that it maintains a connection to the frequency patterns that it’s processing aurally. If we slow the frequencies down during a state of rapport, it becomes possible to catalyze the brain to enter particular brainwave frequency ranges.

The FFR can be accessed in many natural ways including; shamanic drumming, dance, rhythmic breathing, or through the use of technology like mind machines, with visual and auditory pulsations. Rhythmic movement of the cerebrospinal fluid, like in the case of cranial-sacral therapy or the swaying prayer in the Jewish tradition, have a powerful effect on the brainwave patterns, making it possible to go relatively easily into deep, altered states of consciousness.

Brainwave entrainment audio programs use what are called binaural beat frequencies, which are two different frequencies played into each ear individually. The difference between the two frequencies creates a third frequency which the brain tends to fall in synch with. For example, if the left ear heard 200Hz and the right ear heard 184Hz, the binaural beat would be a 16Hz oscillation. Over time, the brain would then begin to fire in unison at 16Hz.  Another method brainwave entrainment audio programs or BE’s use is isochronic tones. This is a rhythmic monophonic signal, and tends to be quite a bit more obvious than binaural. Isochronic tones are effective without the need for headphones.

Music production software allows for the use of further methods like filtration (ducking or amplifying certain frequencies) and gating (the opening or closing of particular parameters, like amplitude according to a rhythmic sequence) making it possible to account for more nuanced detail within an entrainment program. In addition to binaural beat frequencies, brainwave entrainment programs use filtration, gating and tempo deceleration to emphasize certain frequencies and accentuate the aural stimulus. With EEG machines, scientists have not only been able to map out the dominant brainwave frequency ranges, they’ve also been able to note the states of consciousness associated with those frequencies.

The Four Basic Brainwave States

There are four basic states of conscious associated with a particular brainwave frequency range. Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.

Beta 12-40Hz | Awake | Alert and Vigilant. Coherent beta is great for activities where we need to be on top of our game and respond quickly to situations. Beta focuses attention to get things done. Exercise, athletics, problem solving and activities that require a certain amount of technical skill are accompanied by beta brainwaves. Incoherent beta, however, leads to stress, anxiety, and decreased performance. Too little or incoherent beta is connected to attention deficit disorder and other learning and performance disabilities.

The goal of state training with beta is to overcome lethargy or brain fog. It’s helpful to access whenever we need an energetic boost. Listening to a beta entrainment program might help push you through late night fatigue during a study session, or get you from 0 to 60 right out of bed without any coffee. If you’re state training with beta, you’ll notice that overtime it will increase your capacity to remain at a high intensity pace, without accumulating the stress that tends to come with it. As the nervous system assimilates to coherent beta, we become more adept at dealing with stress and perform better in high intensity situations.

Alpha 7-12Hz Calm | Meditative | Relaxed Attentiveness.  Coherent alpha is ideal for the creative process and promotes the felt sense of well-being. In alpha, we experience that feeling of being “dropped in” to the deeper place of ease. Alpha is receptive, open, curious, alert and grounded.  The sense of awareness that serious meditators cherish as home base. Incoherent alpha, however, can feel scattered. There can be a sense of confusion, overwhelm or lethargy. Too little alpha might mean beta is running the show contributing to undue stress and anxiety.

Theta 4-7Hz Trance | Deep meditation | Dreaming | Visions. Coherent theta is exceptionally therapeutic. Associated with the period between waking consciousness and sleep, during theta states the unconscious mind is more receptive to suggestion from self hypnosis. Theta has also been associated with the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (secondary nervous system) allowing deep healing and change to occur more easily. The immune system as well as the mechanisms responsible for behavior, learning and past traumas are deeply connected to the parasympathetic functions, making theta state training a powerful part of a holistic path of self healing and evolution. Too much or incoherent theta, however, could be connected cognitive problems like ADHD and psychological disorders. Too little theta can be associated with sleep disorders.

The Benefits of Brainwave Entrainment

Some of the benefits of BE are immediate while others accumulate over time. Because the brain and nervous system are processing sounds that they don’t normally encounter, there is a kind of neuro-arobic activation as new neural network connections are being made. The brain undergoes a process of restructuring as BE provides stimulus to the corpus colosseum, thalamocortical systems, and primary auditory cortex. By leveraging the brains neuro-plasticity, BE can be thought of as rewiring the brain in order to be able to process finer, subtler sounds, adapting the neurology to process the audio signals in more efficient ways.

State training with BE will effect significant changes in the brain and nervous system, over time cultivating more robust and elastic neural network connections. Similar to weight training to build muscle, when we consistently exercise our neurology with BE we build our cognitive capacities, increase our emotional well being and develop familiarity with our states of consciousness. Once these capacities become activated, they become more accessible to us.

Tell me a little more about 432 Hz

It’s remarkable to observe the auspicious numeric features of the 432Hz = A. When we adjust the standard pitch of A=440Hz down by 8 Hz, the numeric relationships of many of the frequencies come into alignment with natural patterns including the angles of the platonic solids. For this reason many philosophers and musical mathematicians have recommended its use.

When we listen carefully, we can actually hear a slight increase of overtone amplitudes in its harmonic series. This subtle increase in overtones is thought to have a beneficial effect on listeners, bathing us in a resonance that’s more connected to nature.

We use the 432Hz tuning as way to express the intention for entering into a deep alignment with ourselves and nature. In using this tuning we hope to entrain ourselves to a natural resonance that might nourish our lives on a subtle level.

What are the solfeggio frequencies?

The solfeggio frequencies are a set of tones with mythic and mysterious underpinnings transcribed from auspicious mathematical principles that relate to the patterns of electromagnetism and subtle energy.

The solfeggio frequencies are generally thought of as consisting of 6 or 9 three-digit numbers. There are in total 81 combinations of the numbers 1-9 (9X9). This number family group has been explored by mathematical philosophers using magic squares.   A magic square is an arrangement of the numbers in a matrix, with each number occurring only once and are arranged in such a away that the sum of the numbers of any row, column, or main diagonal is the same.

The use of the magic square to explore these numbers highlights some fascinating characteristics. In this grid, the sum of each column, row and main diagonal oscillates between 3 – 6 – 9 consecutively. What’s also fascinating is that every number in this grid is a Harshad or Niven number. The word “harshad” comes from the Sanskrit harṣa (joy) + da (give), meaning joy-giver. These numbers are appropriately named “joy givers” since they’re each divisible by the sum of its digits. It’s like magic! In this matrix of numbers there is a kind of harmony and internal symmetry that’s incredibly unique.

In vortex based mathematics, the solfeggio number family group plays a lead role in illustrating how the harmonic series emerges in conjunction with toroidal spin. Viewed through the lens of VBM, the solfeggio numbers begin to take the form of a tube torus, representing in 3D the flow currents of electromagnetic fields.

Though relating these numbers to tones is by some considered to be an arbitrary correspondence, their more esoteric attributes suggest that they’re innately a part of the behaviors of waves forms themselves. They are already a part of what sound does as it propagates and combines with other frequencies. Expressing this abstract mathematical object in sound is both a logical extension of recognizing what it is and a means to apply some of the principals of sonic mysticism to practice.

Should I listen with headphones?

You can play any of our programs through speakers to enjoy the sounds and bathe in the resonant frequency fields.

For any of our programs containing binaural beats, headphones are required for the technology to most effectively alter your brainwave patterns. Stereo headphones (high-quality and over the ears) are better than earbuds, but use whatever you have.


Source Vibrations makes no recommendations regarding medical conditions and advises you to seek qualified medical attention for all medical conditions. If you have any known neurological disorders, do not listen to music containing brainwave entrainment technology.

The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website.