Welcome to the Source Vibrations Sound Clinic

We invite you on a transformative journey through the power of sound and music. Our clinic is a sanctuary for groups and individuals seeking healing, transformation, and wellness optimization. With over 20 years of  experience in sound medicine and music production, we harmonize the scientific and spiritual dimensions of sound therapy to nurture well-being and catalyze inner growth.

Our services draw on cutting-edge scientific advancements in vibro-acoustics, neuro-acoustics, and the human biofield, while also embracing the rich heritage of ancient wisdom in music and sound.

Embark on your journey to wellness and spiritual growth with Source Vibrations. Book a session today, sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about upcoming events and services, or explore our range of offerings to find the perfect fit for your needs.

Visit our facility for :


  • Live Music Events
  • Classes
  • Healing Sessions

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