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In the landscape of inner exploration, few concepts hold as much significance as the “I AM.” It is not merely a phrase or a statement of identity, but a gateway into the deepest realms of conscious awareness. When we engage with the essence of I AM in meditation, it begins to reveal itself as something far beyond the personal mind’s understanding of self. The “I AM” stands as the silent observer, the witness to all of life’s experiences—completely present, yet untouched by any of the forms, thoughts, or sensations that arise.

What is the “I AM”?

At its core, the “I AM” refers to the pure essence of being. It is the conscious awareness that exists prior to any identification with thoughts, emotions, or the physical body. In many spiritual traditions, this idea of “I AM” can be traced back to the Bible, where God speaks to Moses from the Burning Bush, saying, “I AM that I AM” (Exodus 3:14). This statement, declaring the eternal and self-existent nature of the Divine, is a profound reflection of the “I AM” presence within each of us.

This teaching is echoed in the I AM material channeled by St. Germain, which emphasizes the power of recognizing and aligning with the “I AM” presence as the source of one’s being. Through meditation and practice, we come to experience this awareness directly—not as a concept, but as a living, breathing reality.

When we rest in the “I AM” in meditation, we begin to notice that it does not waver. Thoughts come and go, emotions rise and fall, the body shifts and changes, but the “I AM” remains—still, peaceful, and ever-present.

It is a simple truth: “I AM” is not what you do, what you think, or how you feel—it is the observer of these things. Like a clear sky that remains unchanged while clouds pass through, “I AM” remains untouched by the fluctuations of experience.

In my guided meditation, “I AM is the Observer of All Experience,” we begin by touching into the core practices of relaxation and breath awareness. We notice the body and the mind—how they feel, how they function. This step is vital because before we can understand the “I AM,” we must first come to a place of witnessing the constant activity of our being.

As you listen to the meditation, I encourage you to explore this sense of watching. Notice how thoughts, sensations, and emotions rise and fall, but something remains constant through it all. That something is the “I AM.” It is not concerned with the content of your thoughts or the intensity of your emotions; it simply witnesses them without judgment.

Through this practice, you start to see how your awareness is vast—boundless, even. There is no edge to this inner space. In meditation, we allow ourselves to spread out into this infinite vastness, to rest as the observer, the “I AM,” that does not come or go, but simply is.

Moving Beyond Identification

A common challenge we face in meditation—and in life—is the tendency to identify with the fluctuations of the mind. We get caught up in our thoughts, the stories we tell ourselves, the emotions that demand our attention. But the truth is, we are not these fleeting experiences. The “I AM” shows us that we are something much greater.

As we release identification with the contents of the mind and body, we begin to experience a deeper sense of freedom. We discover that we can witness even the most intense feelings or the most chaotic thoughts without being swept away by them. The “I AM” is not striving for anything, it is simply aware. This awareness is not moving toward or away from anything—it embraces everything as it is, in a state of effortless, eternal presence.

Integrating the “I AM” in Daily Life

Practicing with the “I AM” in meditation builds a foundation for how we engage with the world. Once we recognize this ever-present awareness within ourselves, we can begin to carry it into our everyday life. In moments of stress, in moments of joy, or even during mundane tasks, we can remember that the “I AM” is there—watching, witnessing, unshaken by the ebbs and flows of daily experience.

This simple, yet profound shift in perspective can bring a sense of peace, spaciousness, and clarity into our lives. It’s not about transcending life or disconnecting from the human experience, but rather witnessing it from a place of calm, centered awareness.

Begin Your Journey with the “I AM”

To deepen your practice with the “I AM” as the observer, I invite you to explore my guided meditation, “I AM is the Observer of All Experience.” This meditation is designed to take you into the heart of this witnessing state, where you can connect with the boundless nature of your own awareness. In it, we journey through the layers of the body and mind, gradually expanding into the vast, velvety field of infinite potential.

You can download and practice this meditation here.

Through this practice, the “I AM” becomes more than just a concept—it becomes a living, breathing experience of your true nature. So, take the time to rest in this awareness. Notice what arises, observe what passes away, and remember: You are the witness. You are the “I AM.”